Tuesday, January 11

Youthful Fancies for a Weary Soul

I feel about a million years old today.

I think it's a direct correlation to the million hours of work I put in yesterday.

So, I'm taking this opportunity to remind myself that I am only as old as I feel -- or act. And speaking less symbolically, I'm only 29 1/2 (officially as of Friday).

Here's a bit of a reminder that I don't feel -- or act -- like I'm a million years old all the time:

I made her on Saturday and it was great fun. She was inspired by Mommy, who built a snowlady last month and, thanks to the cold weather, I got to meet her while I was downstate for Christmas.

The last couple of weeks have been exhausting and I haven't been quite well. It seems as though everyone is sick right now, and perhaps I was fighting off a bit of the flu. But, I feel perhaps a corner has been turned. Or at least will be tomorrow when I feel a bit closer to my 29 1/2 years than the million I am today.

Perhaps it's just the nature of winter ...

But, a kindly faery reminded me today that when you feel a million, it's time to go outside and commune with nature, so I'm going to try to find some time today to do that.

In the meantime, I dreamed of spring last night. The trees were exploding with blossoms and everywhere around me the Earth was waking up, giving a great big yawn and stretching its sleep-wearied limbs out toward the sun.

Today it's gray and flurries of snow are falling from the sky. I don't mind winter, especially with my snowlady to keep me company. If only I didn't have to work today, I'd build her a companion and together they could watch over me to make sure I don't fall into the bad habit of old age before my time.

But, today I'm a million and I DO have to go to work. And besides, the Tigers report to spring training next month, so spring's really not THAT far off. And for every day that I'm a million years old, there's bound to be two when I'm 9. It's just my nature.

1 comment:

  1. How is my baby sister 29 1/2 years old? That is simply impossible.
    And another thing sis.... Your snow woman is missing something, actually TWO somethings. ;)
