Thursday, December 16


I suppose eternal optimists would look at this and say "well, you did something." While I'm really good at being optimistic for others, I'm too honest about my own shortcomings to acknowledge this as progress.

I can say this -- it will be done for Christmas. I'm just not sure anything else will be. My Christmas gift list is going to have to be modified, and store-bought gifts will need to be added. Which is such a disappointment. I was really excited to give handmade gifts for Christmas.

All hope is not lost, however. I began making a doll ages ago which, as it came together, was clearly meant to belong to my niece. While it's not what you would call "done" it's close enough to know it will be by Christmas. So, I'll at least have two gifts done for the tiniest of those on my list.

If I modify my expectations -- become a little more practical, perhaps? -- I think I could make two smaller amigurumis for my other young nieces. The original intention was to have larger stuffed animals to give them, but the 4-inch versions are still adorable. Am I justifying? Perhaps.

Once Christmas is over, I'll post pictures of the completed projects (however many I get done) and links to the patterns I used. Until then, I don't want to ruin the surprise for any recipients (or really their parents) who read this.

If anyone's looking for great, easy-to-read patterns, check out Lion Brand's website. This site is genius and I love it. If you sign up, you can download patterns and it saves any notes you want to make. Additionally, there is this neat little stitch counter that can be dragged around to point at which row you're on. It's really useful when you have lots of rows where you're doing single crochets over and over and over and over.

I'm also working on a pattern right now from Caron International Yarn's project website, and it's also really easy-to-use. When I started this project, I found the same pattern which someone had re-posted, but it was rewritten in a really confusing manner. When I accidentally deleted the pattern I wanted and the website it came from and realized I was using a different (and really ugly) one, I googled the text of the pattern. Both the one I wanted and the one I was mistakenly using were from the same site.

But instead of sending me to the re-posted site, Google directed me to Caron's site, and what a blessing that was. Just the simple matter of using a clearly written pattern has saved me hours and hours of trying to figure out what I'm doing.

Well, must run. It's almost time for work. But I wonder, is anyone else having a hard time completing their overly-ambitious Christmas projects? I'd appreciate hearing about them. I guess it's true, misery does love company!


  1. Yah, sis I was making you something but I didn't get to finish it yet, I am hoping to have it done in time. xo

  2. Yes, I'm on overload right now. No sleep this week is allowed. Spending some time baking today and then back to my studio. A good portion of my handmade items will be going in the mail, so they will be about a week late. I tend to look at it as an "extra" Christmas for my niece and nephew. A package of store bought items will be mailed tomorrow so they have something to open from me. Although the package does have a theme put together by me, so I feel better about that.

    So, no Anne your not alone! Have a great day!
