Wednesday, June 9

A Million Down, Eight To Go

One little, two little, three little marigolds
Four little, five little six little marigolds
Seven little, eight little ... really, only eight little marigolds left?

After proclaiming for days on end that I'm going to finish the planting tomorrow, I really am going to finish the planting tomorrow. Even if I stick the eight marigolds I have left in the middle of the front yard, they are going in the ground tomorrow. Even if it's pouring rain AND thundering AND lightning ...

Today, I planted the perennials. I think I am the most excited about this cluster I planted today.
After trying to determine where I should put these plants, I called Mommy pitching a fit about how I really thought the tags that come with flowers should tell how tall they're going to get. I had remembered, last minute, that I knew what hollyhocks were, because they grow to be really, really tall. So, I examined the tag and nowhere did it say a height.

So, I examined the other tags from the other flowers, and still nothing. How could this be? Are you just supposed to magically know how tall these tiny plants are going to get?

I'm not sure what exactly made me turn the tag over and wipe away the dirt, but there it was. Plain as day -- the height range of each plant.

I arranged what I had among the myrtle already growing there, with the very tall hollyhocks in the back and the much shorter meadow sage in front. I am already imagining how they're going to fill out and how pretty they're going to look when they all start to bloom. There are going to be so many colors in this plot. This week sometime, I'll write out exactly what I planted in all these different beds, with pictures. I think it will be so interesting to see how they do and track their progress.

I got lucky today. The rain held off until almost the exact moment I was done for the day and ready to get going to work. It was lovely of it to rain for mostly the rest of the day. My plants all needed the water, especially after the Miracle Grow debacle.

Perhaps my reading skills are not what they used to be. Sunday, I decided to double check the amount of Miracle Grow I was putting in the gallon jug I've been using to water. I was certain I was just being extra cautious, because surely it said two of the big spoonfuls per gallon.

Not quite, actually.

It said you should use two tablespoons per standard 2-plus gallon watering can, and oh yeah, by the way, the big spoon in the package is 1 1/2 tablespoons. So, I was using at least twice as much as I was supposed to. So far, the consequences don't seem to be devastating. I was lucky it rained since then. Not a ton, but more than it has for awhile.

Tomorrow, I'll let you know where I put those marigolds. Mommy said it's good to put them around tomato plants because they repel some kind of bug, but as I mentioned yesterday, spacing around the tomatoes is at a premium. Hmmm ... maybe I'll put them just outside the garden by the tomatoes. That just might work.

Whatever I decide, I'm going to decide. Tomorrow. Then, all the planting will be done. Finally. Completely. Done.


  1. You are doing great weed-hopper! Your garden and yard are coming along nicely. I love marigolds. My sweet husband brought me a flat of 24" ones on Saturday and now they are happily guarding the veggies in our garden. I plant them at the ends of each row. Not only are they "supposed" to repel critters and bugs, they just add such a gorgeous splash of color out there. Don't worry about a "spacey" looking plot either. Every year we plant and I think, hmmm, there's so much room out there. Then in a couple of weeks it's, hmmmm, don't have any room left. Thing spread!
    Keep up the good work. I'm so proud of you and all your efforts.

  2. I'm gonna plant my marigolds next to my tomato plants too. Mommy told me the same thing. Don't you remember the bugs in the tomatoes when we were kids before she learned this trick? I do, it was gross.

  3. I don't remember the bugs, sis. But I do distinctly remember the marigolds. Mommy loves the marigolds! But she hated those bugs, and every time I mention it, I can hear her shudder over the phone line.

    Thanks for the encouragement, D! It means a lot. I'll take pics of where I put the marigolds, and show you guys my dilemma. I hope they do OK where I put them. They do look so pretty, though. I love the ones out front, too!
